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Unit conversion always is expressed

来源: 作者:Stand originally 时间:2009-01-06 Tag: 点击:

1 square kilometer (Km2) =100 hectare (Ha) =247.1 acre (Acre) =0.386 square mile (Mile2)
1 square metre (M2) =10.764 square foot (Ft2)
1 square inch (In2) =6.452 square centimeter (Cm2)
1 hectare (Ha) =10000 square metre (M2) =2.471 acre (Acre)
1 acre (Acre) =0.4047 hectare (Ha) kilometer of square of =4.047 × 10-3 (Km2) =4047 square metre (M2)
1 acre (Acre) =0.4047 hectare (Ha) kilometer of square of =4.047 × 10-3 (Km2) =4047 square metre (M2)
1 square foot (Ft2) =0.093 square metre (M2)
1 square metre (M2) =10.764 square foot (Ft2)
1 square is piled up (Yd2) =0.8361 square metre (M2)
1 square mile (Mile2) =2.590 square kilometer (Km2)
Bulk conversion

Ear of 1 beautiful auspicious (Gi) =0.118 rises (1) 1 beautiful pint (Pt) =0.473 rises (1)
1 beautiful quart (Qt) =0.946 rises (1) 1 beautiful gallon (Gal) =3.785 rises (1)
1 pail (Bbl) =0.159 stere (M3) =42 beautiful gallon (Gal) 1 acre · foot 1234 stere of = (M3)
1 cubic metre inch (In3) =16.3871 is cubic centimeter (Cm3) 1 flower gallon (Gal) =4.546 rises (1)
1 billion cubic metre foot (Bcf) 10 thousand stere of =2831.7 (M3) 1 trillion cubic metre foot (Tcf) 100 million stere of =283.17 (M3)
1 1 million cubic metre foot (MMcf) twenty-eight thousand three hundred and seventeen stere of = (M3) 1 1000 cubic metre foot (Mcf) =28.317 stere (M3)
1 cubic metre foot (Ft3) =0.0283 stere (M3) =28.317 rises (Liter)
1 stere (M3) =1000 rises (Liter) =35.315 is cubic foot (Ft3) =6.29 bucket (Bbl)

Length conversion

1 kilometre (Km) =0.621 mile (Mile) 1 meter (M) =3.281 foot (Ft) =1.094 is piled up (Yd)
1 centimeter (Cm) =0.394 inch (In) 1 inch (In) =2.54 centimeter (Cm)
1 sea mile (N Mile) =1.852 kilometre (Km) 1 flower search (Fm) =1.829 (M)
1 (Yd) =3 foot (Ft) 1 lever (Rad) =16.5 foot (Ft)
1 mile (Mile) =1.609 kilometre (Km) 1 foot (Ft) =12 inch (In)
1 mile (Mile) =5280 foot (Ft) 1 sea mile (N Mile) =1.1516 mile (Mile)

Quality conversion

1 long ton (Long Ton) =1.016 ton (T) 1 kilogram (Kg) =2.205 pound (Lb)
1 pound (Lb) =0.454 kilogram (Kg) [avoirdupois] 1 ounce (Oz) =28.350 is overcome (G)
1 short ton (Sh.ton) =0.907 ton (T) =2000 pound (Lb)
1 ton (T) =1000 kilogram (Kg) =2205 pound (Lb) =1.102 short ton (Sh.ton) =0.984 long ton (Long Ton)

Density conversion

1 pound / foot 3 (Lb/ft3) =16.02 kilogram / rice 3 (Kg/m3)
The proportion when API spends = 141.5/15.5 ℃ - 131.5
1 pound / flower gallon (Lb/gal) =99.776 kilogram / rice 3 (Kg/m3)
A beautiful density (B) the proportion when = 140/15.5 ℃ - 130
1 pound / inch 3 (Lb/in3) =27679.9 kilogram / rice 3 (Kg/m3)
1 pound / beautiful gallon (Lb/gal) =119.826 kilogram / rice 3 (Kg/m3)
1 pound / (oil) bucket (Lb/bbl) =2.853 kilogram / rice 3 (Kg/m3)
1 kilogram / rice 3 (Kg/m3) =0.001 is overcome / centimeter 3 (G/cm3) =0.0624 pound / foot 3 (Lb/ft3)

Athletic viscosity conversion
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